Stevia table top sweetener in tablet form made with Reb A. Reb A is the delicious, pure and natural sweetener from the Stevia plant. The ideal sweetener for coffee and tea.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Steviolglycosides (97% Reb A, USDA Organic (BCS Öko-Garantie)), Monosodiumcitrate, Cellulose, Citric Acid, L-Leucine, Magnesium Stearate.
1 SteSweet Tablet (0 calories) equals 1 teaspoon sugar (20 calories). One box contains 250 tablets.
Recommended Use:
In the European Union, the Acceptable Daily Intake for Stevia was defined at 4 mg Steviol equivalents per KG body weight. This equals to 12 mg Reb A per KG body weight.
This means you can safely consume up to around 55 SteSweet Tabs per day (adult with body weight of 60 KG).
- Sku
- a00144
- Description
- SteSweet Stevia Tabs
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# Option Price 1 SteSweet Stevia Tabs €10.30 - Shipping
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