Home Uncategorized SteSweet Reb A 16.90€


SteSweet Reb A 

Reb A is the delicious, pure and natural sweetener from the Stevia plant. Sweet flavor without any calories and any additives. Heat stable and more than 300 times sweeter than sugar. Suitable for all kinds of applications, especially baking, where huge amounts of sugar have to be replaced.

Ingredients: Steviolglycosides (Reb A 97%, USDA Organic (BCS Öko-Garantie)).

1 gram SteSweet Reb A (0 calories) equals 300 grams sugar (1200 calories). 1 jar contains 15 grams.

Recommended Use:

In the European Union, the Acceptable Daily Intake for Stevia was defined at 4 mg Steviol equivalents per KG body weight. This equals to 12 mg Reb A per KG body weight.

This means you can safely consume up to around 720 mg SteSweet Reb A per day (adult with body weight of 60 KG).

SteSweet Reb A
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